August 30, 2010

There are a lot of important people in my life...

My husband.

My Kids.

My Friends.

Tonight I would like to write about some clients. I love what I do, and I feel so blessed to have gotten to know so many wonderful people. It not just about the photo... for me it's more about building relationships over the years.

In this last year I have gotten to know some really amazing people. People that make a difference in my day to day life... people that make me want to be a better person.

One of those families is my friend (client)... Nili. I just love talking to her, and getting to know her family more. You can since her genuine spirit and I know she is a great friend to those around her.

She has been one of those people who I always enjoy seeing and I look forward to every session. I am looking forward to getting to know her more on a personal level...

She is also friends with another friend (client)... Amiti... who you will get to meet later! She is one of the funniest people I know... and soon you will see why. I think she is next Thursday's blog (we all have a lunch date, so I can get her photo then)!

I love learning about Nili's culture, and at the last session her little one had on the most beautiful dress. The colors were beautiful... I believe she said it was sent from a grandparent.

It's families like hers and so many of you out there that make this job so special.

So for you, it might be about the photo... for me it is that plus the friendships that I have made over the years.

I am looking forward to these next few months ahead... Yes it will be busy... but all so worth it!


nili September 1, 2010 at 9:05 PM  

Ali, you are so sweet! I can't believe we made your blog! I feel so utterly special. I feel the same about you and am so thankful to Amiti for bringing you into my life.
You are an amazing photographer and an even more amazing person. The combination of "amazingness" makes you utterly phenomenal!!
I look forward to getting to know you more. Can't wait for our lunch date.

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