October 3-18, 2010

So life is what it is sometimes!

I have gotten a little behind on the blog... but some BIG things have still been happening... so I am going to try and fill you in.

First, I just want to say... It's been great to see so many of you! This time of year is really busy for me. I will be honest in saying, my house falls apart, my kids think I am crazy, and my husband becomes a part-time stay at home "mom". Again, (I know I told you in an email BUT) this year we are saving, saving, saving as we go through this journey of adoption a little girl. Thanks for all of your support, and you will all be invited to meet her next year. We have one plane ticket saved for... and 3 more tickets and our hotel stay left to save for! So we are getting there!

That brings me to where the adoption is at. So many of you have asked... but for those that don't know. We have just turned in our i600, so from here on out we will wait for the okay to send everything to Ethiopia and from that point we will wait for a referral on a child. So I will let everyone know when our paperwork gets to Ethiopia!

On a current note, we just finished up being on fall break, and ended the week with a trip to the pumpkin patch with our friends!

It's going to be a busy next few months for everyone as the parties get started for the Holiday plans I am sure we will all have. I hope to be back to blogging about this wonderful time of year!

I know I am looking forward to time spent with my family... enjoying my kids at their ages, knowing I am so blessed for the family I have!!

Happy Fall!

October 2, 2010

**I'm leaving on a jet plane... don't know when I'll be back again....**

Just kidding (kind of)!

I am leaving, but I will be back!!!

I don't like making a big deal about my birthday, but my husband made this day extra special, so I have to say thank you.

Most of you know... I am so ready to be 30, that I am saving all my celebrating for that year. I have BIG PLANS!!

While I wait, my husband made year great too... he took me to LA and Hollywood for the weekend. We shopped, ate at some great places and we still have one more day here!

It was great to have dinner with my whole family last night, and it has been great to just be with my husband today.

Thanks for a really great day and I look forward to tomorrow!

October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, to my brother!

I already blogged about him earlier in the year...

So I won't repeat...

But I love this boy and I am thankful for him.

Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your 20's!

September 30, 2010

Photographing babies never gets old.

Here is the sweetest little thing... and she was so good!

{N&R}...Congratulations on a perfect little girl!

September 29, 2010

For all of you out there that are following our adoption...

Our homestudy is done! We can now start the international process!!

One step closer to a little baby girl.