September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

I thought this week would be a great week to blog about people that have some pretty important jobs that make a difference each day!

This is my friend Katie. I got to know her a few years ago. She is the sister-in-law of our old neighbors, Barbie and Damien (I will be Blogging about them later!).

Katie is another great person and friend. She would go out of her way to do almost anything for anyone. I cannot imagine that she doesn't enrich any one's life around her.

She is also my new workout partner. So now it's Lindsey, Katie and myself.... and as hard as the workouts are... we get through them together! Plus they are way more fun with them than without them!

Katie also has one of those rewarding, yet hard jobs out there. She works with an adoption agency helping kids find good homes. As a soon to be adoptive parent... I am so thankful for the "Katie's" out there that go above and beyond a 9 to 5 job to make sure kids have homes. I know there are days that are challenging, and then there are days that great things happen that make her job so rewarding.

I have a few friends that work a lot harder than I do, for a lot less money than they deserve, to do a job that not all of us could (or would) do, to better kids that would (otherwise) not have a chance for a better tomorrow.

So thank you Katie for the heart that you have, for all that you do, and for being so great. You have a great husband... and I am sure only great things are ahead of you!


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