September 2, 2010

It was a quiet day today...and if I have learned anything as an adult...

I have learned to treasure these quiet moments along the way, because they are few and far between.

There are so many events and people that I just cannot wait to blog about this month...but today I want to blog a little about something on my heart.

Motherhood... I sat in my moms group this morning and felt like she was talking right to me. And the truth is....I already felt like I have had a full ear of how to survive parenting already this week.

(can you tell... it's been a little challenging lately?)

Before having kids I thought having them would be the easiest thing. I thought I will raise them to be little "mini-me's" and life would be great.


This week has been a realization that kids have their own personalities and you parent them all differently....intentional, but different.

In our moms group we are reading "The Bathtub is Overflowing but I feel Drained".

At first I thought.. great (sarcastic), another book to read. But I think I have changed my mind. As the leader went over the first two chapters she started to read... "You just have to take one step at a time. One right attitude. One good decision. One perspective change. These little changes will lead to big results."

It was refreshing to know that one day at a time I have the ability to shape my kids into great people... but it will not happen overnight. It's parenting and we do it one step at a time, with a good attitude, making good decisions overtime.

I love this... It is so easy for me to look way into the future and see my kids grown.. but sometimes so hard to get through the course of getting them there :)

It is refreshing knowing that as moms this is a tough job, but the reward is so worth it.

For me today... I loved seeing through to the hearts of my kids and enjoying them just laugh as we picked up some pottery we did over the weekend. I was a reminder that it's these simple quiet days that often mean the most to me.

We were challenged today as moms to make sure we were doing something for ourselves, to be refreshed through this journey of parenting. So I just want to challenge all the moms out there to do this! (For me it's usually a morning with a friend!)


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