August 5, 2010

I said I would never do it... But I am.

Coupon Sense.

I went to a class tonight, and walked out excited to save.

Although I am a fairly organized person... this is a bit overwhelming.

I think my friends and I got lumped in to the "special needs" category with all the questions we asked.

I will have to let you know how it goes.

My main motivation is saving for our two trips to Ethiopia... We have been faithful this far as to where the money will come from. So I feel at this point this is just one more thing that we can do that can save us more.

I have never been a fan of Coupon Sense before... We eat mostly fresh food and hardly any boxed foods..... But I look forward to saving on Toilet paper, paper towels, and all those other necessities!

I have to admit that I cannot get over the fact that you can get a $17 razor for pennies!

So... tomorrow starts this journey on saving a dollar or two!

For those of you who are confused on why we are saving for Ethiopia... that blog is coming tomorrow!


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