August 17, 2010

As I keep up with my birthday themed was Devin's birthday over the weekend. (Happy Late Birthday!)

I have been wanting to blog about his gym for a little I will honor his birthday, by blogging about his gym!

Empower 3 (gym) has played and important part of my last year....

I started going to Devin when I was having a lot of issues with my endometriosis. I was finding it hard to get motivated at the gym and with not feeling well....I found myself never going. Then I heard about Devin's gym and how you worked out in groups of three. So I thought, maybe that would keep me motivated to show up if had a partner and a personal trainer all in one.

Then in December I had a surgery due to my endometriosis and after the surgery in December started a drug therapy to get rid of the endometriosis cells that had already spread to organs that you can not remove. I knew going on this medication I was going to have some rough days ahead....but I stuck with the workouts. One of the side effects that probably bothered me the most was the weight gain....but with the help of Devin I was able to keep up with my strength and feel mentally good!

I did gain about 15 pounds by the end of the treatment, but have lost those pounds and a few more.

I have to thank Devin for all the great workouts and the help of the weight loss. Although I was never really good about keeping a food diary.... I did get the point to eat good food, eat smaller amounts, and eat more often. I am sure it would have taken much longer without his help.

I look forward to keeping heart healthy.....and I also love my workout partner! I met her a few years ago when she hired me to do photograph her wedding. You will get to meet her this weekend. Her birthday is on Saturday! She I will be blogging about her in just a few short days....

If you are interested in calling Devin for information his number is 480-440-1504.
(Lindsey and I have one more spot in our group if you want to workout with us)!

I love supporting a local business while keep healthy too!


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