Boston Bound....

Where to start???

At the end of my last Blog, I left off saying “We look forward for what is to come…” and since that post our world has been shaken, stirred and changed forever.

It’s been a crazy few months, but first I want to share some highlights over the past few months that have brought smiles and laughter to the BODDY house.

We just honored those who serve us everyday, on Memorial Day last weekend. I was so honored earlier in May to do family photos for a few of those families. It was great to hear their stories, share some laughs and get to know so many wonderful families. I was so honored to spend the day with all of them, and cannot wait till next year!

Maddyn made it through 1st grade! Brock graduated from Pre-K. It is hard to believe that they will both be in school next year… BUT I have the wrinkles to prove their crazy activities and energy is more than enough to remind me daily that they are getting older. I miss their baby days, but LOVE their passions they have discovered this past year: Piano, gymnastics, and soon BMX. (PS… you are all invited to Brock’s first race. He invites everyone he talks to… that is how excited he is!).

The final update is… (Drum roll please)……

The Boddy Family is…………

Boston Bound.

What???? I know… I keep asking myself the same thing.

We all know I LOVE my husband… would do anything for him except move… UNTIL this past spring.

One of the best things about Robbie is he is respectable, honest and loves his family & career. If you know him, you love him. I am so proud of him for all that he has accomplished… fortunately (or unfortunately... I don’t know) Liberty Loves him too.

Well, early this spring he was offered a job in BOSTON while he was on a business trip. So when he got home, the conversation went like this….

“It’s a great opportunity, but why leave the best place on earth? Our friends are here, our family is here, our life is perfect, and my business is the best it has ever been. Let’s say thanks for the consideration… but now is not the time.”

So he went back to BOSTON a week later, told them what we had talked about and after another week there, it was clear that this was a time that he would never get back to future his career and that we (as a family) needed to really consider this opportunity for him.

After long talks with each other and our closest friends, it was clear that this is the time to go. Plus, with the adoption being over… we were open to whatever was ahead of us. It’s a temporary move, for huge learning experience for Robbie!

So, I am loving my husband and going on this adventure with him!

My husband said over the weekend… “When is the moving Blog coming”… I said…. “It’s not.” But now that he is there, the reality is “We are moving.”

Most people’s #1 question is… what are you going to do for work? Well the answer is… I will still be here. Since I have the most wonderful husband ever… we have set up a schedule for me to come back here to work and be with some of the most wonderful people I have ever met!

Photography is part of me… I love it… I love every client I have ever met and some have become my best friends. (The only thing is there is not enough time to spend as much time with all of you as I would wish too). I tell Robbie a lot that I need to clone myself… One Ali to take the photos and the other Ali to socialize! I feel blessed that I do get to see so many of you often and many of you have become lifelong friends. All of you make me want to be better: both professionally and personally.

I will be back in October, November, December, February, April and then next summer! I will only be back for a week or two at a time… but I feel so blessed that I will still get to see your families even as I go on this adventure with my family.

(I will post the dates in the next blog after I get some set dates for the kid’s school schedule!!)

It’s been a great year. I have been able to hire an editor to help me and so with all the changes that I have been able to make this past year… I am all set up to work anywhere and still get you your beautiful photos to you no matter where I am! (Got to LOVE technology…. When you know how to use it for the better)!

So Yesterday, Robbie told me our new town looks like Wisteria Lane… (Secretly) I have always wanted to live on Wisteria Lane. I don’t quite see my days being filled with morning tea, and drama…. But at least the view will be nice.

People keep asking are you “excited”… well…. Yes and NO….

I have always wanted to travel, live in a city, get groceries at the building next door… but I am just not sure what everyday life will be like without all of you who make Arizona so wonderful and familiar to me.

I told a close friend, that when I was little…. I pictured life married, great friends/family, ONE child (but two is better!), a great career….. And that is what we have here. So as fun as the adventure to come seems, if I could take you all with me… that would be perfect!

Since bringing you all with me would be fun… BUT I am not sure we could afford that, I will look forward to every trip home and will embrace the familiar faces and your homes more than you will even know.

Plus, I expect many of you to come see me… and for those of you who cannot come…. Remember me when I am being buried alive in snow for 3 to 4 months a year!

So, today was a hard day… Robbie started a wonderful journey that will impact our family for the better. Making this our reality for now. In September we will join him as a family. So as we transition... Keep us in your thoughts and prayers, encourage us, love us… And know I WILL BE BACK OFTEN!

Since I refuse to have a going away party… we will keep you updated on our “Temporary Boston Bound Trip”!

Am I in Denial? Maybe… but only because being so far away from so many people we hold close to our hearts will be the hardest thing we have ever done.

So as I sit in my tiny, OVERPRICED apartment…. On my own little Wisteria Lane… I will be thinking of how much I miss you all!

For those of you who cannot wait for the dates I will be back for photography, after our move date of August 29th… they will most likely be:
October 19-23
November 16-27
December 21-January 2
Third week of February and April!
These will be final in a few weeks as we get more information on Robbie’s job.
Pricing will remain the same through 2011-2012! A $25 deposit will be required (goes toward sitting fee).

I just have to end this by saying thank you to all of you… (Friends, family and clients) for your support. I would not be here without all of you… I hope that you still continue to support me and I get to see all of your beautiful families on my trips home. (Plus I have some new areas this Holiday 2011 season… and just ordered some baby props that are ADORABLE)!


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