What do you do with all of those Holiday Cards, Birthday Photos, and Photo Cards you get throughout the year???
I hear so many of you talking about what do do with all of your cards you get, especially over the Holidays.
I got this Card holder at Pier 1, a few years ago. They still sell them today! I tell Clients about it all the time... so I thought I would show it to you.
I keep mine hung by our door. It is fun to look at through out the year. Also, with all of our family and so many of our friends being so far away. When they send us a photo card, it is an easy way for our kids to know who they are and talk about them when they look at the photos.
I also keep every card family, friends and clients send to me... it's just nice to look at families grown and remember them everyday!
These are only $10!
This is the card holder empty. It hangs from two screws: one at the top & one at the bottom.
Cute design, perfect for any home.
It holds a lot of cards!
Great way to remember those adorable photos through out the year!
Happy Holidays!
December 30, 2010
December 28, 2010
It's been 8 years.... One dog, Two Kids, and Many Moves later ~ I still love him!
Since our anniversary falls at the end of the year, it always seems like it's a good time to relect back on a the year... talk about the highs, the lows, the hard times and just how thankful we are to be where we are at in life with each other.
I also found a few photos :)
A classic photo.... (althought I don't do this pose very often....hahah)
Here are two of the most amazing people you will ever meet! They still look this good, too!
These are two great friends. Nick just got married a few weeks ago, and Barb will get married next year! Congratuations friends!!
After all these years... Robbie and his dad still have the same hair cut!
Best Cake Sharing EVER! Still have yet to see it be done better.... ????
I use to watch this little guy... now he is in his teens. Great family, wish I could see them more often!
Our wedding day was a great day... I am thankful for such a sweet, wonderful husband who does life with me.
Love you Robbie!
December 26, 2010
Christmas is over, but I have to blog about these amazing.... very amazing cinnamon rolls.
Thanks to my wonderful friend Kim, for the treat! They were so wonderful... a perfect way to start a Christmas morning.
I hope your Christmas Day was relaxing and filled with family fun.
We ended our day with a movie with friends and family.
December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas!
I am excited to get back to blogging... Next year the Blog will read "365 Days of Blogging MINUS Holiday Photo SEASON!" I thought I was setting my self up for a good year when I hired my wonderful editor Leah... and I would have all of this time on my hands to be with my kids, blog, cook dinner, clean, do laundry. Well... The cleaning went undone, the laundry was always stacked high, if a meal was cooked my husband made it. The good thing is... I was able to schedule more appointments since I had a great editor to help and still spend time with my family. Leah (my editor) even had a week where she was sick and still got 1000's of photos edited! So, the blog had to be put on hold. Last year I made a promise to my family that, no matter how busy the season got at 3:30 when the kids came home from school it was time to spend those few hours a day with them. Now that the busy season is over, I am back to blogging... there are too many thing about to happen in the Boddy House!
In these last few months, we have competed all of our adoption paperwork!!!! I have to give a special THANKS to my old neighbor KIM, who came with me to a doctors appointment to notarize paperwork with a one year old! I know going to a doctors office with a small child is never an ideal day... but THANKS!! On the 28th (my anniversary to my wonderful husband) we get our biometric finger prints done. Then our paperwork is off to Ethiopia. From here on out... we just wait. So I will let everyone know when we get our referral (child). I can now say... this past year has been made up of financial sacrifices to pay for this adoption... so I am glad we are done with paperwork and writing checks. We can now wait and anticipate what she will look like. I am also excited to buy just a few things like a crib and bedding :) We will have one garage sale in January to finishing paying for the travel....
Again... thank you to so many great clients who made this year so great. I tell Robbie all the time, it so much more than a job to me. It's getting to know so many of you and calling you my friends at the end of the day. Next year I am excited to meet so many new babies that are coming, photograph some beautiful weddings (The Manor, Flagstaff, Indiana and Illinois), see families continue to grow, and meet new ones too! When our adoption is complete, you are all invited to see our family grow!
Highlights in 2010:
~Made new friends and got closer to our old ones!
~Watched our good friends welcome a new baby into their family!
~Robbie graduated with his Masters.
~Although Maddyn's school year started out a little rough and we had to figure out how to help her deal with Trichotillomania (pulling her eye lashes out), she has been able to control it and now has most of them back!
~Adoption is almost complete!
~Enjoying Brocks elaborated stories... he is the imaginative one of the family.
~Got to see my brother get married to his long time girlfriend!
~Bought a new CAR... perfect for our growing family and a great Dave Ramsey Decision!
~(SAVING THE BEST FOR LAST) Barb, my long time best friend who has been there for me throughout the years for everything, just got ENGAGED this week. Perfect news to end a GREAT YEAR!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
Happy New Year!